- Teacher’s Lesson Plan
- Language Presenter Film Tracks
- Flashcards
- Song/rhyme tracks
- Classroom Poster
- Pupil’s Books, colouring pencils
- Character Puppets
Extras: Online Resources sheet, large picture book, string and paper clips or chalk, mini online picture books from the start of the unit
New: Picture book, violin, follow, Peepbo!
Main recycled: toy box, Who is it?, Come with me!, I can see, Can you see?, In, out, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
New classroom language: Follow me!, What’s this?, I don’t know.
Extension: I don’t know
Hello with the Keri puppet
3 mins
Bring the Keri puppet to the class in a pillowcase or special bag. Take it out slowly, showing a little of the puppet at a time.
Ask the question Who is it? and present the name Keri! It is Keri. Say Hello, Keri! and invite the class to say hello too. Keep the bag to hand.
5 mins
Point to the film icon on the Classroom poster and watch the vocabulary presentation.
Encourage the pupils to repeat the words with the presenter.
Show the clip again and invite the children to point at the image of the teddy while they repeat the word.
Wave goodbye to the presenter and encourage the class to repeat back: Goodbye, see you soon!
Extend the activity. If possible, prepare a large picture book. Hide the toy box teddy flashcard in amongst the pages.
Show the book and elicit the words picture book. Open it carefully to reveal the card and ask Who is it?
Elicit Teddy and all say Peepbo! Hello, Teddy!
Praise everyone.
Pupil’s Book
15‑20 mins
Invite all the pupils to sit at the tables and hand out the colouring pencils. Perhaps use a new word from the film to aid the transition. Hold up the toy box teddy flashcard and say Follow me! Lead the way to the tables.
Give each child the Pupil’s Book sheet and explain that the task is to see and circle five differences between the pictures.
Hold up a completed sheet and first check that everyone has completed the sheet correctly. Then use the picture to revise as much vocabulary as you can. Point and say What’s this? Elicit the correct answer and then repeat it with the class using the phrases I can see… can you see? Yes! We can see…
Praise everyone.

Song Who is it?
10‑15 mins
Song text
Who is it? Who is it? Peepbo, peepbo!
Who is it? Who is it?
Peepbo, peepbo! Peepbo, peepbo!
Peepbo, Teddy!
Show the following character puppets: Teddy Tom and Dolly Keri. Remind the class that Tom is also a teddy and that Keri is Dolly Keri. Use the puppets and the flashcards for a dolly and a teddy.
Explain that you are all going to sing the Who is it? song. First, sing it using the standard words ending in Peepbo, Teddy! and show the teddy card and Teddy Tom. Then explain that you are going to replace the card and the word in the song with dolly.
Hold up the dolly flashcard.
Play the backing track for the song (without the voices) so that the singers do not distract the pupils by singing teddy at the end.
Sing the simple song together and end with Peepbo, Dolly! instead of teddy.
Repeat it so that everyone understands what to do, then replace the Dolly card with Keri and sing it all again!
Note: This encourages the children to think that set phrases can be changed and words replaced.
Extend: You are welcome to choose the name of a child from the class and to sing the song again, inviting the class to say that name at the end instead of teddy or dolly.
Praise everyone.
What’s this?
10‑15 mins
Bring the Keri puppet to this activity. Let her hold a series of cards. Use the animal cards we have met so far: frog, dog, cat, tortoise, squirrel.
Take one card from Keri and show it to the class. Ask the question What’s this? Let Keri shake her head. Shake your head too and say I don’t know. Show the class and say What’s this? Elicit the right answer.
Let the pupil who answers correctly come and take the next card from you to show the class (after you have said I don’t know…). Prompt the child to ask What’s this?
Extend the activity to revise the three colours red, yellow, blue.
Praise everyone.
Mini‑drama play
15‑20 mins
Use the mini‑drama as an opportunity to dramatise the Picture Book song.
Prepare the song track.
Invite four pupils to hold one puppet each. Arrange the rest of the class into two rows facing each other and to clap to the music or sing along if they can. Play the song.
Go to stand at the far end of the passageway made by the rows, holding the teddy flashcard and the book flashcard.
Invite the parade of puppets to walk in time to the music up the pathway between the rows of children and then round the outside back to the start, then repeat the tour. On their first visit, hand one of the pupils the book flashcard. On the second visit, hand another pupil the teddy flashcard. If there is time for a third circuit, take both cards back.
The parade represents the journey that the characters take through the picture book. If you have time, repeat the song‑play with a new set of puppeteers!
Praise everyone
Note: This simple activity can be extended into a play with speech for performing to parents – see the play notes at the end of this pack.
Can you see the picture book?
Extra Activities
Online Resources sheet
Invite the class to sit at the tables using the phrase Follow me! to help lead the transition to table time.
Hand out colouring pencils and the online resource sheet.
Invite the class to colour the chain of toy box teddies. Help them to fold the sheet to form a zigzag chain.
Invite the class to unfold the chain one by one and to count the teddies together 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Praise everyone and allow them to take the teddy chain home so that they can share it with their family – and also count to five!

Extra Time
Build a Picture Book gallery
Note: This is a simple way of revising many of the words learnt so far and is a variation on the puppet activity in the first week of this unit. Prepare the string and paper clips for this activity or the chalk.
Tie the string between two chairs and gather some paper clips. Alternatively, prepare to pin the cards onto the board in a row. Draw a series of triangles with chalk to represent the hook and the gallery picture wire above each image!
Explain in the home language that you are going to use the flashcards to build your own class picture gallery and that you would like each pupil to pick and name a card for it.
Sit in a circle or with the pupils gathered around you.
Lay out or hold out the picture flashcards for all the items met on the course so far.
Invite each pupil in turn to come and name one, pick it up and hand it to you. Name it together and add it to the string of pictures or to the pinned up cards on the board.
When it is ready, praise everyone.