- Teacher’s Lesson Plan
- Language Presenter Film Tracks
- Flashcards
- Song/rhyme tracks
- Classroom Poster
- Pupil’s Books, colouring pencils
- Character Puppets
Extras: Online Resources sheet, large picture book
New: Picture book, violin, follow, Peepbo!
Main recycled: toy box, Who is it?, Come with me!, I can see, Can you see?, In, out, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
New classroom language: Follow me! What’s this?
Hello with the Keri puppet
3 mins
Bring the Keri puppet to the class in a pillowcase or special bag. Take it out slowly, showing a little of the puppet at a time.
Ask the question Who is it? and present the name Keri! It is Keri. Say Hello, Keri! and invite the class to say hello too. Keep the bag to hand.
Check that everyone in the class has watched the animated story of Keri’s picture book at home. Ask a volunteer to remind the class in the home language what happens in the story. Elicit that Keri’s book flies into the playhouse when Tom tries to grab it. Inside the playhouse, the book has become enormous – big enough to go inside. They see lots of pictures and have tea with the teddies! They just escape in time – as the book is closing – by going through the magic picture of a door.
Praise everyone.
5 mins
Point to the film icon on the Classroom poster and watch the vocabulary presentation.
Encourage the pupils to repeat the words with the presenter.
Show the clip again and invite the children to point at the image of the book and picture while they repeat the words. Wave to the teddy from the toy box too.
Wave goodbye to the presenter and encourage the class to repeat back: Goodbye, see you soon!
Pull out two flashcards from the puppet bag: the toy box and teddy from the toy box. Remind the class that they know the names of these items and elicit them too.
Pupil’s Book
15‑20 mins
Use a transition action to move to the tables. Perhaps invite the class to walk to the tables like teddy with big feet and straight legs!
Give each child the Pupil’s Book page and pencils.
Hold up the page, point to the numbers on the page and explain that they are linked to the pictures that are steps in the story. Revise and say together 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
The task is to link the pictures to the right numbers to put them back into the right sequential order.
Demonstrate linking picture one and number one to show that this is where the story starts.
Check that everyone has completed the sheet correctly, then hold up an example and point to each picture and number so that the pupils can see the right order.
Point to items of vocabulary on the page and elicit their names so that everyone can feel successful even if they found this activity difficult, because it is new.
Elicit book, picture book, teddies, Tom, Keri, Cat and Dog.
Note: All the children should be able to follow a sequence of events at this age but they will only be familiar with the story if they have viewed it, as instructed, at home. This exercise is not a checking opportunity. It is a new challenge!
Praise everyone.

Song Picture book
10‑15 mins
Song text
Can you see the picture book,
Picture book, picture book?
Can you see the picture book?
Let us look and see!
I can see Teddy, Dog and Dolly, too,
I can see Cat sleeping,
Sleeping Cat, can you?
Can you see the picture book,
Picture book, picture book?
Can you see the picture book?
Let us look and see!
Invite everyone to stand where they can see the board.
Pin up pictures of the words in the song, well spaced out in a line, so that the class can point to each image distinctly. Put up: Picture book, teddy, Dog, dolly, Cat.
Invite the class to bob up and down by bending their knees in time to the music. This should also help them to move their pointing finger across from one picture to the next in time to the music.
Play the song again and add an extra challenge by asking them to turn around on the spot during the instrumental section between verses, so that they are back facing the front in time to point at the cards during the verse again.
Praise everyone.
Can you see the picture book?
Who is it?
15‑20 mins
Invite everyone to sit in a circle using the instructions already taught: Make a circle. Sit down, please!
Hold up the character flashcards plus the teddy and dolly cards hidden behind a cover card.
Reveal each character a piece at a time by moving the cover card and invite the class to guess who it is. Repeat the phrase from the song together Who is it? while the character is hidden. When the character is revealed and identified, repeat together Peepbo! and the character name. Start with Peepbo, Teddy!
Extend the game. Change the emphasis from visual to audio.
Ask the class to close their eyes. Choose one pupil and invite him or her to say Hello, I’m Teddy! Invite the class to guess who is speaking just by listening. Say Who is it? and elicit the reply It’s [name]!
Repeat so that everyone gets a chance to speak. Change the phrase if you need to keep the class interested. Invite the chosen pupil to say such catchphrases from the series as I can see a rainbow! I haven’t got a hat. Don’t sit on me! I walk fast!
Praise everyone.
Mini‑drama play
15‑20 mins
Use the mini‑drama as an opportunity to present the idea that a picture book is a series of pictures linked together. Combine this with the new word from the episode ‘follow’. Invite a volunteer to be the lead child. Prompt the child to say Follow me! and the rest of the class to reply Follow the teddy!
Set up an entrance and an exit to the big picture book using two pairs of chairs at opposite ends of the play area. Arrange the pupils into a single file line.
Hand the volunteer the flashcard of the toy box teddy. This child will lead the way. Give the next four children the four character puppets and allow the pupils to wear the puppet on one arm.
Give the rest of the class a picture flashcard of an item met in the series so far. There should now be enough images.
As each child goes ‘into the book’ through the entrance, encourage him or her to say in and when he or she leaves through the exit chair‑gateway let him or her say out.
Give some focus and a goal to the activity by holding a large picture book open as the parade starts. Close the book very gradually at first, then speed up. Make sure that the book just closes after the last child has come through the out gateway.
Remove the chairs and ask the class to sit in a circle with their cards or puppets.
Revise all the names of the picture cards they are holding by asking each child to name his or her card and praise them all for making a class picture book together!
Praise everyone.
Extra Activities
Online Resources sheet
15‑20 mins
Invite the class to sit at the tables using the phrase Come with me! to help lead the transition to table time.
Invite the pupils to sit at the tables.
Hand out colouring pencils and the online resource sheet.
Invite the class to colour the picture pages then help the pupils to name and fold the mini‑picture books.
Invite the class to hold them up and name all the pictures together.
Praise everyone and keep the booklets for use in later lessons.

Extra Time
Musical instruments
10 mins
Show the violin card and ask in the home language what it does. Elicit that it makes music. ‘Violin’ is a hard word to say so perhaps stress all three syllable for the first few repeats, then just stress the last syllable. Few words start with the letter V and this phonic is not present in all languages, so it is useful to spend a moment on it here.
Extend the music theme and ask which other music instrument they have met in a Tom and Keri story. If no one can remember (drum), play the Toy soldier song to remind them. Elicit drum. Play the Toy soldier song and all march round the room miming banging a drum.
Praise everyone.