- Teacher's Lesson Plan
- Classroom Poster
- Character Puppets in a Bag
- Flashcards from Levels A and B
- Song Tracks for Levels A and B
- Language Presenter Film Track
- Reward Stickers
- Pupil's Book, pencils
Extras: Online Resource sheet
New: plane, aeroplane, wing, pilot, cloud
Main recycled: Tail, sky, up, down
New classroom language: Let’s sing!
Extension: children
Hello with the Tom puppet and the Cat puppet
3‑5 mins
Bring the Tom puppet to the lesson. Invite a volunteer to hold up the Cat puppet. Ask the class the help Tom and remind him what the parts of Cat are called. Let the Tom puppet point and the class name the parts: head, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, tail.
Add that there will be another kind of tail in the film!
Praise everyone.
Invite the class to sit down, ready to watch the Language Presenter film.
5‑10 mins
Encourage them all to join in and repeat the new phrases.
Present new actions: for aeroplane (arms out as stiff wings); wing (move on of the arms stiffly up and down and then the other); tail (move one hand behind you from side to side like an aeroplane tail or rudder); pilot (mime putting on a flying cap and sunglasses). Ask the pupils to stand to watch again and encourage the pupils to do the actions as they repeat the words.
Praise everyone.
Pupil’s Book
20‑30 mins
Use a transition action to move to the tables. Invite the pupils to walk smartly to the tables like a pilot.
Give each child the Pupil’s Book page and pencils.
Hold up a page and show the class. Explain that the activity is to circle only the items that should be in the sky. Adapt the phrase from the farmyard unit. Point to the blue background and say This is the sky. The sky is blue. Point to the sun image and add This is the sun. The sun is yellow. The sun is in the sky. Should the sun be there? Yes the sun should be in the sky. Circle the sun. Now circle the pictures that should be in the sky.
Check that they are completing the sheet correctly.
Hold up a completed sheet and elicit the names of the items that should be circled because they belong in the sky: sun, moon, star, aeroplane, cloud. Present the word cloud using the flashcard and the image on the page.
Check that they have understood correctly by now saying Name the pictures that should not be in the sky and elicit train, car, apple, drum.
Praise everyone.

10‑15 mins
Song text
If I could sit in a cloud and watch the world go by,
What would I see, What would I see
From up in the sky?
I would see the houses, I would see the trees,
I would see birds, I would see bees,
From up in the sky!
I would see the children playing in the sun,
See them all run, watch them have fun,
From up in the sky!
Ask the class to stand where they can see the board. Pin up the flashcards for the items that they will sing about in the song.
Ask them to imagine they are in Keri’s aeroplane (a silent glider) and are looking down at the ground. Mime flying, with arms out to the sides, like wings. Say We are in Keri’s plane. We have two wings on our plane. We can look down. What can you see?
Revise the names of the words for the items they can see, using the cards on the board as a prompt. The answers should be in the plural, to match the song. As you repeat the question, extend the familiar phrase and use the longer phrase repeated in the song, What can you see from up in the sky?
Elicit houses, trees, birds, bees, sun, clouds.
Show some other cards and ask if they could also see any of these. Could you see cars? Could you see trains? Could you see cows? Encourage the response Yes!
Note: Language experts recommend the natural use of tenses that you would not avoid when speaking the home language to a child. This activity and song gently introduce could to match should met in Unit 14. It does not have to be explained as a form, just included in the conversation at this stage.
Invite the class to point to the items as they are mentioned in the song. Before you start, ask if anyone knows what children are and introduce the word by pointing to them all and saying You are all children! Let’s sing, children!
Sing the song a couple of times so that the pupils learn the actions and start to join in.
Praise everyone.
Up and down with the Jump! Clap! song backing
5‑10 mins
Invite everyone to stand in a space.
Pin up the flashcards for the following words in the right height order the board from the ground up: flower, house, cloud, moon, sun, star. You can start with just three items to introduce the idea if you prefer.
Crouch down and then gradually stand up and stretch up to the sky as you list the items that are higher and higher up.
Flower – crouch on the ground
House – stand and make a roof with pointed fingers together but in front of your body
Cloud – standing up, arch your arms and hands over to meet on your head like an m
Sun – point straight up in the air
Star – do a star jump so all limbs point out to the far distance
Repeat the actions so that the class makes the link between the action and their position. Now say Copy me! Say and do the actions!
Alternate between the items, first straight up and then straight down, then moving between star and flower, house and sun to mix up the up and down perspectives.
Play the backing track quietly in the background and repeat the action sequence so that it feels like a fun sports class – with words!
Praise everyone.
Jump! Clap! (backing track)
Mini‑drama. Pilot Tom
15‑20 mins
Ask the class to stand in a space facing you.
Invite two pupils to come to the front and hold the Tom and Dog puppets to act out their roles. Place a chair nearby for Dog to hide behind at the end of the play.
Ask the rest of the class to stand like aeroplanes with arms out to their sides. Say Be an aeroplane! And hold your arms out to the side. Bend your knees and move down and say Fly down then stand up and say Fly up. Invite them all to join in and say No, thank you! at the end. Rehearse this phrase once with everyone saying No, thank you! loudly.
Praise them all, then ask them to listen and move.
Prompt them by doing the action too, if necessary.
Say Fly down when you hear ‘down’ and fly up when you hear ‘up’.
The pilot says, “Tom, you are the pilot of the aeroplane!”
“Oh, thank you!” says Tom. Tom and Dog get into the plane.
Tom flies up. Then Tom flies down.
Tom flies up. Then Tom flies down, very fast.
Dog is not happy! He does not like flying with Tom.
Tom is very happy. “I like flying! Wheeee!” he says.
Tom flies up. Then Tom flies down.
Tom flies up. Then Tom flies down, very fast.
“Huhnnnn, Huhnnnn!” Dog is not happy at all. He really does not like flying with Tom!
At last they fly down and get out of the plane.
“Thank you, Pilot!” says Tom. “I like flying!”
Tom looks at Dog. “Come on, Dog, let’s fly again!”
But Dog does not want to fly with Tom. He goes and hides.
What is Dog saying, children? He is saying…No thank you!
That’s right!
Well done, everyone!
The end.
Change the puppet‑holders around and repeat the reading so that the class feels comfortable with the action and can focus on taking part and enjoying it.
Praise everyone.
Find the pilot
10‑15 mins
Invite the class to sit in a circle. Place the aeroplane card face up in the middle of the floor.
Place some other cards face down around it, including the pilot card.
Invite volunteers to come and turn over a card and name it for the class. If someone finds the pilot, ask them to stand up and salute! Perhaps use the language Here is the aeroplane. Where is the pilot? Find the pilot please! Turn over one card and name it. Is it the pilot? No? Put the card down. Yes! Stand up and salute (demonstrate) like a pilot!
Play the game until the pilot has been found a few times.
Praise everyone.
Extra Activities
PLUS Online Resource Sheet
20‑30 mins
Invite the pupils to move to the tables, using a transition action or song. Perhaps suggest that they mime flying a plane. Say Be a pilot, fly to the tables, please!
Hand out colouring pencils and the PLUS online resource sheet to each child.
Ask the pupils to complete and colour the sun and rainbow images.
Hold up a completed sheet and revise the words together Cloud, sun, rain, rainbow.
Help the pupils to cut between the tabs only for now. This is so that they can blow on the tabs and revise the weather type wind too.
Ask the pupils to hold up their completed sheets. Point and repeat Cloud, sun, rain, rainbow. Then ask the pupils to hold up the sheet in front of their faces and to blow on the cloud. Say Blow the cloud. Watch it move together then repeat Blow, wind, blow! as a link back to Unit 9.
Help them to add their name so that they can have their own sheet back to use in the Extension lessons and then to take home at the end of the unit.
Note: Later, perhaps at home, they can cut the tabs off and link them with string at the marked dots to make a weather‑mobile. They can hang his by a window and watch the real wind blow the weather pictures around!
Praise everyone.
Extra Time
What can you see?
5 mins
Invite the class to stand where they can all see the Classroom Poster clearly.
Invite volunteers to point to one item on the poster and name it using the question and instruction What can you see? Point to a picture and name it!
Note: The class should now be able to name every item on the poster!
If not, make a note of the items they cannot remember and watch the matching Language Presenter clip in the extension lessons.
Praise everyone.