Teacher’s Lesson Plan
Language Presenter Film Clip
Song/rhyme Tracks
Classroom Poster
Reward Stickers
Pupil’s Book, colouring pencils
Extras: Plain sheet of paper for each child
Key words: eyes, nose, mouth, face, smile

Lesson 1 | 30 minutes

Language presenter film track
Ask the class to sit where they can see the screen easily.
Show the clip and invite the children to repeat the new words and phrases. Show the clip again and encourage them to point to their ears, nose, eyes, mouth and face with the presenter. Perhaps they can push up the corners of their mouth to repeat smile with a real smile! As there are more new words per film now, play the presenter track again and this time let them mime being a monkey at the end to relax after that hard work!

Rhyme I am happy
I am happy when I smile,
I am happy and it shows,
In my eyes, on my mouth,
And even on my nose
Invite the class to stand where they can see you. Explain in the home language that we all feel happier when we smile and this rhyme is about how our happiness shows on our face.
Play the rhyme and hold up the matching flashcards for each part of the face as you hear it said in the song (match the words to the language presenter film).
Explain that you would like to begin by asking them all to learn the gestures to match the words in the rhyme. Start by smiling for smile, then point to each part of your face as you hear the word in the rhyme: mouth, eyes, nose.
If it is helpful, demonstrate by pointing to the face flashcard to link all the parts in one unit – the face.
Praise everyone.
Rhyme - I am happy

Response Game
Invite everyone to stand where they can see you. Lead a quick response game with the flashcards to check that the pupils are matching up the new words correctly.
Show the face part cards one at a time and ask them to point to their own matching face part as quickly as possible.
Note: Ask them to use the whole palm to point to the eyes to avoid injuries!
Praise everyone.
Lesson 2 | 15 mins

Game of the senses - eyes
Invite everyone to sit in a circle.
Place a selection of flashcards face down in the circle. These should all be items that are recognisable by a gesture: bus, car, squirrel, puppet, dog, Cat, monkey, pig, cow, duck, frog.
Point to your eyes and explain that you will ask a volunteer to pick up a card NOT show it to the class but mime the item. The class can look to see the actions and then name it in English, for example, monkey.
Extend the English practice by repeating the phrase from Level A together: I can see a… monkey.
Repeat with as many volunteers as possible in the time available. Praise everyone.
Lesson 3 | 15 mins

Pupil’s Book
Use a transition action to move to the tables. Perhaps invite the class to mime being a monkey - or if this is too noisy, just to smile politely at each other as they walk to the tables!
Give each child the Pupil’s Book page and pencils.
See if anyone can remember the word for the game pieces - puzzles.
Explain that the puzzle pieces that are part of the same face should be linked with a line, so four pieces for Tom’s face and four for Keri’s face.
Count 1, 2, 3, 4 to revise the numbers together.
Check that the pupils have completed the sheet correctly. Hold up a sheet and point to each of the puzzle pieces. Invite the class to call out what each facial feature is called in English and praise everyone.

Lesson 4 | 15 mins

Make a face
Play the language presenter film with the unit vocabulary and ask the class to join in and repeat the words.
Draw a circle low down on the board and explain that it is a face. Repeat face together.
Explain that, like monkey in the story, you are going to make a face together. Invite a volunteer to call out in English what you should draw next: eyes, mouth, ears, nose, smile.
Sometimes draw the correct matching part of the face and sometimes not – see if they can correct you. You can invite the child who spots the mistake to come and draw the correct matching face part. Award the child a sticker.
Praise everyone.
Lesson 5 | 15+ mins

Craft + rhyme
Choose to repeat an activity from the first four lessons or complete this activity.
Invite the pupils to sit at the tables, using a transition action or song.
Hand out colouring pencils and a plain sheet of paper to each child.
Invite the pupils to draw and colour a happy face with a smile. Play the rhyme I am happy in the background while they draw. When they are ready, ask the pupils to say whose face it is.
You can stick the pictures on the wall to make a happy face frieze or allow the class to take the page home to show their parents eyes, nose, mouth, face, ears, smile.
Praise everyone.