
Zoom: I am hiding


  • Zoom film track 7

  • Zoom film track 7

  • Classroom Poster

  • Pupil's Book: Page 7

  • BB Flashcards: 4 x character cards, ball, car

  • Reward stickers

Words and phrases Shshsh! I am hiding! Boo!

Day 1 Lesson 1: Film

Ask the class to stand up. Invite them all (in the home language) to copy the actions/sounds : hide (cover your face with two hands. Open your hands to show your face and say the sound Boo! Place your finger vertically over your mouth and make the sound Shshsh!.

Note: when the children are joining in with this song allow them to say a very long ‘Booooooo!’ because this helps them to practise long vowel sounds that they may not have in the home language.

Watch the film using this simple way of joining in while watching: hide your face behind your hands and then take the hands away when the song says Boo!
Encourage the group to copy the simple sounds and actions of Boo! and Shsh! [put a finger over your lips]. After viewing the film, ask the children to tell you in their home language what they say in their home language when the find the person who is hiding in a game. Is it the same in English or different?
Invite them to watch again.
Repeat the actions above. Encourage the group to join in with the word or phrase they can manage.
Praise them all.

Training example

Day 2 Lesson 2: Song

Song text Shshsh! I am hiding! Boo!

Invite the class to stand in a circle.
Play the song and join in so that you are demonstrating the actions too.
Hide your face behind your hands then remove your hands on Boo! Stand still until ‘Boo!’ then allow the children to walk around while they are ‘hiding’ and saying Shsh!
Note: If you have soft play furniture, allow the children to hide behind those items instead of hiding behind their hands. They can stand up or jump out to say Boo! Praise them all.

Day 3 Lesson 3: Craft

Ask the children to sit at the tables.
Hand out colouring pencils and the Pupil’s Book Hiding sheet.
Play the song in the background.
Invite the class to colour the Baby Beetles in the chest on the front.
Help them to fold the top panel over so that the Baby Beetles can hide in the box.
Invite the children to open the lid and all shout Boo! as in the song.
Write the child’s name on the back of the sheet.
Praise them all.

Pupil's book page

Day 4 Lesson 4: Game

Sit in a circle. Place the four character cards and the ball and car cards face down. Ask a volunteer to come and turn over a card and show the class. If Zoom is found, all shout Boo!
Change the Baby Beetle that they need to find and ask another volunteer to turn over a card.
Move the cards around to make them work harder to remember which is which! You can play the song quietly in the background while you play if you wish.
Praise them all.

Day 5 Lesson 5: Review or new

Choose to repeat an activity or choose to revise the topic using the extra activity suggested below.

Pupil’s choice

Use the activity circle on the classroom poster. Invite a pupil to point to the song, game, craft or film icon on the poster to choose how you will play with the Baby Beetles today. Repeat the activity using the instructions above.

Your choice

If you prefer, you can choose which activity you would like to lead on day 5. Invite a pupil to point to that activity on the poster (using the home language). Ask the class if they remember how that activity worked and see if a pupil can remind everyone. Play the activity and praise everyone!

Extra activity

Game – Shshsh!

This can be fun, as long as your group is not disturbing other classes!

  • All stand.

  • Hold up the Zoom card and explain that when you hold him high up, the class may say as many English words or phrases as they can remember – very loudly and fast!

  • As soon as you put the Zoom card behind your back, they must all stop talking immediately and say Shshsh!

After a few repeats, this can be an elimination game. Either have a winner i.e. the first child to say Shsh! gets a reward sticker and the game ends, or for a longer game, the last child to say Shsh! is out and has to sit on the floor. Repeat the process until you have a winner!