Tom and Keri Expert Teacher's Lesson Notes
Book 12 Keri’s Picture Book

Items to prepare
Lesson notes
Keri’s Picture Book storybook
Word and phrase picture cards
Expert Pupil's Pages
Tom and Keri puppets
Tom and Keri toys
Reward stickers
Three books, one small, one big and one giant‑sized (if possible)
A small box to put flashcards in
Expert Online resource sheet (some units only)
Key vocabulary
Phrases: It’s a…Look at my book! It’s big! Let’s go in!
Nouns: picture, book, violin, page, picnic, cake, surprise
Verbs: pull, whoosh
Other core words: hard, real, big, giant, wonderful, quietly, excited
Present or revise the key words with the flashcards or matching item
Use a 'hide and uncover' method to revise the words. Sit in a circle and place the new word cards face down amongst cards they know. Mix book, violin, picture and picnic with cat and dog.
Invite volunteers to turn a card over each. If they find a card they know, they should name it and show the class. If they find a new word, they should show the teacher.
Say the new word and ask the class to repeat it with you.
Ask the class to sit in a circle or where they can all see you and the story on the screen easily.
Lay the picture cards for the key words out on the floor as a visual prompt.
Set the context, revise the film
Present the words small, big, giant with actions and three books.
Ask the class to stand up.
Hold your hands out flat, palms facing each other just a little space apart and say small. Widen your hands apart and say big. Now stretch your arms wide apart, looking up to the top hand and down to the lower hand and say giant.
Invite the pupil to copy you, doing the gestures and repeating the words.
Show the small book and repeat small. Show the big book and repeat big. If you have a very big book show it to represent giant. If you don’t have a giant book, repeat the action of stretching up your arms and then say giant.
Praise everyone.
Invite the pupils to sit where they can see the screen easily.
Story time

Click here to go to Storybook 12
Create an atmosphere of excitement and focus around the story with a phrase that you will repeat in every new story session, so that it becomes a chant and establishes a routine.
Tom and Keri storybook.
Come and listen, take a look!
Start by showing the first image and allow the pupils a couple of seconds to scan the image and understand the scene from the picture before you start to read.
Note: Consider using the tips outlined in story 1.
In summary, they are as follows:
Read the story to the pupils in English yourself at a slow pace or play the narration tracks.
Point to the images of the characters and key words as they are read.
Highlight and explain key new words where necessary.
First reading – understand and engage (key words and story steps)
Read the story, highlighting new key words in the following ways:
First read the text for the page/image slowly, clearly and with expression.
Read the text on that page again, pointing to key items or demonstrating key actions.
Move on to the next image and text and repeat the process.
Storytime Tips
Highlight the problem and solution in the story by pointing to the page illustrations where the problem and solution occur or doing a gesture to represent those steps. Here, a problem arises when Keri’s picture book flies into the magic playhouse. Show the emotions of the scenes in your voice and on your face to help the pupils follow the emotional thread of the storyline. In this story, it is surprise that the book has become a giant book. There is excitement that they can open the door on the cover and go in, happiness at seeing the toy box teddy and sharing a picnic, worry that the book is closing with them inside and pleasure at getting back safely to their garden with the normal, small picture book that they can share.
Second reading – focus to engage Before you start, give the class a task to do to keep them interested in the story. Invite the class to join in with simple but key phrases in the text: Look at my book! or It’s big! or Let’s go in!
Read the whole story again, this time reading the text on each page only once, so that the progress of the action steps is clear.
Third reading – action to engage
Use the audio book on the screen for this reading, so that you can lead these actions.
Invite the pupils to each ‘be’ the magic book. Ask them to stand up and hold their hands, palms open in front of them, little finger sides touching, so that their hands look like a small, open book.
Explain that their hands will grow with the book. When they hear the word big they should hold their hands apart to represent a bigger book. When they hear the word giant, they should open their arms wide. When they hear The giant picture book is closing they should gradually bring their arms back together until by the end of the story, they are holding their palms out, as at the start.
Lead the actions by demonstrating what to do during the story.
Praise everyone
Songtime I can see the picture book
Invite the pupils to stand up.
Place picture cards around the room for the teddy, dog, cat, and dolly.
Invite the pupils to walk around to the song and point at the key word cards as they hear them in the song. If you have a class that likes acting, ask them to mime each of the characters as they hear their names.
Encourage them to sing along to the song too.
Note: As the words are quite fast in the song, you could ask some pupils to mime Cat sleeping, others to mime Tom pulling the book, another group to mime Dolly dancing and the most excited pupils to mime Dog jumping up and down.
Praise everyone
I can see the picture book
Expert Pupil's Pages
Item: teddy, picture, picture book, violin
Instructions: Match and link the big and small items.
Invite the pupils to walk to the tables, like the toy box teddies.
Hand out the pupil's page for the unit.
Demonstrate big and small with your hands to remind the pupils about the words for sizes. Perhaps, also demonstrate linking the big teddy by drawing a line with your finger on a pupil’s Page.
Invite the pupils to match the pictures and to link the small items to the big items.
Praise everyone

Using the page with the story
Each story page is a prop to be used in the classroom to support more play with English. Use the pupil’s page for a response activity.
Re‑read the story and invite the pupils to point to each of the four story items when they hear its name in the text.
Revise the key words and phrases and say together, It’s a teddy. It’s a violin. It’s a picture. It’s a picture book.
Praise everyone.
Game with open and closed
Invite the class to sit in a circle for an activity.
Prepare a small box with a lid and place a selection of flashcards inside.
Show a closed book and say closed. Open the book and say open. Put the book down.
Invite the pupils to pretend that they are fish. Perhaps show the fish flashcard from the Baby Beetles to remind them what a fish is. Open and close your mouth like a fish. Ask the pupils to copy the action.
Show a volunteer the closed box. Ask Is it open or closed? Prompt the pupil to get the right answer if necessary and then repeat the correct answer with the class.
Say Open the box. Allow the pupil to choose a card, name the item on it and hold it.
Repeat for as many volunteers as possible. When all the cards have been taken,
Hold the box open with the lid up, then start to move it so that it is closing. Say The box is closing! and invite all the pupils to come and place their card back in the box before you fully close the lid. If they are slow to react, add excitement by repeating The box is closing! from time to time.
Praise the class.
Invite the class to join in with some story catch‑phrases.
Ask the class to sit in a circle.
Show the flashcard of the playhouse and say the phrase Let’s go in!
Pass the cards round the circle and ask the pupils to take the card and say Let’s go in, then pass it on quickly.
Repeat and extend
Use other phrases from the story to extend the activity.
Pass the card around again. Explain that the door of the big book is closing and they need to say Bye bye! and leave. Ask them to say the phrase quickly and pass the card on.
Praise everyone.
Song activity with the song Who is it?
Ask the pupils to stand in pairs facing away from each other.
Play the song and invite the pupils to join in and sing Who is it? but then to turn and say Peepbo! to each other when they sing this in the song.
Take the role of partner to a pupil if there is an odd number of children in the class.
Praise everyone.
Who is it?
Re‑telling the story with key‑word focus
Re‑tell the story with the puppets and key‑word flashcards.
Invite four helpers to come to the front and to hold the character puppets.
Invite another helper to come forward and hold the flashcards for a picture book, violin, teddy and picnic.
Read the story even slower than before, allowing enough time for each pupil to hold up the matching card or character puppet. To keep the whole class engaged, you can pair the pupils so that they prompt each other to match the word they hear with a response.
Note: You can introduce the word whoosh from the story here with a gesture of pushing both hands forward fast. Use this to help children understand how the book flies into and out of the playhouse fast!
Game activity with the flashcards
Explain that the pupils need to find the picnic. Invite them to sit in a circle.
Place a selection of flashcards on the floor face down. Place the picnic flashcard there too.
Invite a volunteer to come and turn over a card and name what is on it. If it not the picnic, then the pupil sits down. If it is the picnic card, then invite the whole class to shout Hurray!
Repeat the process once more, shuffling the cards so that they have a challenge to find the picnic card. If the class is enjoying the activity, hide a different card to find, such as cake and repeat again.
Praise everyone.
If you have time....
Extra resource sheet
Item: Mini flashcard set Instructions: Colour, fold and cut
Invite the pupils to walk to the tables like Cat.
Hand out the extra resource sheet print out for the unit and pencils.
Invite the pupils to colour the toy box teddy, book, page and picnic.
Help them to fold the page in half long‑ways.
Help the pupils to cut the sheet from the edge to the middle to make four flaps to lift and close.
Invite the pupils to lift the flaps and point to right image as they repeat the names of the items picture book, page, picnic, teddy.
Praise everyone
insert the Expert online resource sheet for Keri's Picutre book here
Using the extra resource sheet with the story
Extend the activity
Invite the pupils to sit in a circle and to hold their sheet with the flaps folded down.
Encourage the pupils to listen to the story and to open the flap to show the correct image when they hear the name of the item in the text.
Let the pupils take the sheet home so that they can share the sheet with their family as they listen to the story again.
Praise everyone.